Farmers Day Takes Place in Various Cities


By: Sherr Rinn | Solidaritas .net – On September 24, the commemoration of the 54th Farmers Day takes place in various cities with magnitude demands on “agrarian reform”. According to the monitoring by, demo to celebrate this Farmers Day occurred in at least 19 cities in Indonesia, namely Jakarta, Aceh, Kebumen, Palembang, Kendal, Lombok, Mataram, Medan, Ambon, Pekanbaru, Bandung, Solo, Pontianak, Samarinda, Mamuju, Cirebon, Aceh, Yogyakarta, and Batang.

Despite carrying the main demands in agrarian reform, each region expressing demands that become particular problem in their areas.

In Jakarta, the mass walk from Mesjid Istiqlal to the National Palace demanding the new government under Joko Widodo – Jusuf Kalla to run genuine agrarian reform.

Farmers Day’s action in front of Lombok Governor’s office ended chaotic. The mass forcibly entering the Governor’s office, but dissolved by the Police. These crowd demand that the government to taking action upon investors who abandon their land.
Meanwhile, in Batang, farmers rejected the construction of steam power plant (PLTU) in the Pesisir Jongor, Ponowareng. This action seems to be attractive because people working together with Greenpeace unfurled a giant banner that read “Food Not Coal” (food, instead of coal) which is clearly visible from space.

Regent in Kendal, Central Java, Widya Kandi participating in the demonstration in front of the parliament building with farmers from Kendal Community Network (Jamak). He asserted to support on the farmers in the law case of estate between Ringin Banyu Putih farmers against PT PN IX Merbabu Central Java.

In the mean time, students in Yogyakarta taking an action on Farmers Day and brought the issue of rejection of Indirect elections. The masses in Kediri become enraged because Kediri Parliament officials refuse to see them, and the raged mass send two-tailed bats by police officers to be submitted to the leadership of Parliament Kediri.

In West Sulawesi, farmers demanded to abolished rice imports. The action was held in the courtyard of DPRD office.


  1. Muhammad Ridwan Adi Perdana · Edit

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