, Jakarta – Trade Union Rights Centre (TURC),, and conducted journalism training for the laborers from West Java in three days, starting from 17-19 March 2015 at Bunga-Bunga Hotel, Jakarta.
Journalism training was attended by 30 participants, both from West Java laborers and media as the organizers. Laborers who attended this training came from different unions such as Indonesian Moslem Workers Brotherhood (PPMI) Karawang, Indonesian Labor Union Association (ISBI), FSPILN, GSPB, GSBI, FBSB, FSPBI, SBMI, FSBDSI, SPSI Bekasi, KPPSB, SPMI, GSPB, SP KEP East Java, and PUSTARA.
It was also attended by Luviana from the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) as the speaker. Luviana is a former Metro TV journalist who was relieved (1/31/2012) and laid-off (06/27/2012) due to her demand of normative improvements in Metro TV. The journalism training is to train laborers’ ability in writing and reporting daily events to straighten the negative publicity that often appeared in the mainstream media
“Hopefully this training is able to create laborers who have the ability to write and report daily events to straighten the negative publicity that often appears in the mainstream media,” said the Head of association, Sarinah.
The event which was opened by the director of TURC gave some journalism material, such as the theory and history of journalism hosted by Luviana.
“The function of media since the 1920s to 1998 was as a means of struggle, entertainment, education, and social. Before the independence, media was used by the hero to give an understanding of struggle against the colonial occupiers,” said Luviana when delivering the material, quoted from
The other materials such as how to write news delivered by Imam Hadi from, trial coverage practice delivered by Muhammad Hafiz from, and how to create a blog and website hosted by Sarinah.
The role of the media is very important in supporting laborers’ struggle as an alternative to proclaim clearly and accurately every laborers’ struggle from factory to politics. Importantly, it is not only limited as entertainment media in which it is far away from laborers’ real life, such as contract laborers, layoff, labor union suppression, unpaid severance, etc.
Source: Bahasa Indonesia