Sherr Rinn | – Every year, labors flocked to their village on motorcycle, car, bus, train, ship, and plane. Going home need extra money to pay the transportation and make their family happy. Moreover, they have to spend more money for foods, new clothes, and snacks. Moreover, villagers thought that labors working in the city has been financially success. As the result, many of the labors are showing their precious items such as precious clothes, gadget, and even car There is such a sense of inferiority that occurred in the hearts of all the workers who do not have that luxury.
This condition makes labors expected to get holiday allowance or known as THR. With the THR, does not necessarily mean that workers can buy luxury items, but at least they can cover the extra costs incurred during Lebaran.
Many employers don’t really care about it. They don’t give the allowance mandated by law. This is based to the fact that there are 14.673 violations related to THR payment based on the THR complaint post. Because of this problem, 500 labors of shoes and sandal compacy at PT Rukun Jaya Solindo taken labors strike in front of the company’s gate, Monday (21/7/2014). It is the same with hundreds of labors at PT Gentong Groti in Semarang who taken the action at the field of the company, Thursday (24/7/2014). Even, up to H-3 Ied Fitri, there are around 8000 labors in East Java not receive their THR yet.
Because of their intention to make their family happy, one of yarn labors company namely Totok Hariyadi, grabbed because he doesn’t receive his THR yet. Unlucky, he has to feel the bullet from the police in his left foot, Wednesday (16/7/2014).
“I want to go home but don’t have money.” Totok said while bearing the pain.
The member of IX Commission House of Representatives, Rieke Diah Pitaloka said that there are many THR payment violations done by businessmen.
“Outsourcing labors don’t receive their THR yet because of their unpermanent status. It becomes the main reason for employer to break the rule. Moreover, THR is paid less then the agreement because company can’t pay more. Furthermore, the labors are in the process of working termination commonly will not receive their THR.” Rieke said, Monday (21/7/2014) taken from
Based on Permenaker No Per-04/MEN/1994 about THR for labors in a company, it is stated that businessmen has to give THR to their labors which has been working for 3 months at least 7 days before Ied Fitri. So, outsourcing labors, daily labors, and contract based labors has a right to get THR as long as they have been working for 3 months continuously.
Labors who have been working for 12 months have a right to get THR around 1 month salary, whereas labors who have been working for more than 3 months but less then 12 months have a right to get THR in proportional level along with calculation: working period/12 x the amount of monthly salary.