One Day Storytelling, Singing, and Dancing With Papua, Jakarta – A picture of life in Papua was created in an attractive event with the theme “Papua is Us: One Day Storytelling, Singing and Dancing” presented in the car park of Taman Ismail Marzuki (TIM), Cikini Raya Street No. 73, throughout Saturday (13/6/2015). A series of events were jazzed up by many kind of shows; e.g. musics, Mop Papua, exhibitions, orations, dances, and even burning stone tradition. In Papua’s tradition, Burning Stone a.k.a. Barapen is a rite of massive cooking done by the whole village, where traditional meals cooked on the burnt stones and aimed for establishing togetherness of Papuan people.

activist papua
Papuan Activist, Sam Awon.

The event Papua is Us were attended by hundreds of Papuan that reside in Jakarta and surroundings. From the pro-democracy activists to the ordinary visitors, they were all together enjoying the event till late at night.

Papua is Us is formed as an effort on awareness movement towards fellow human being concerning poverty and violence that happened in Papua.

“Papua is Us, as a solidarity movement that engaged all companions, particularly Indonesian people in order to see Papua closer. Not only seeing it through its nature, but also seeing upon the conflicts suffered by Papua, especially on human rights issues,” said Sam Awom, a Papuan activist who has been engaging with conflicts occurred in Papua.

Till now, violence by violence has been reining Papua and constantly becoming hot entries in mass media. Read this article : 479 Papuan Activists arrested by Security Forces within A Month

“There are also issues about history, drained natural resources, economic. See, Papua is Us is a method to comprehend Indonesians, particularly on how to actively get involved in encouraging settlement issues in Papua, especially about human rights violations,” explained Sam Awom.

Based on the data of 2014 collected by Central Statistic Agency (BPS), the highest number of poverty in Indonesia was obtained by Papua and West Papua. It was up to 36,92% in West Papua, which is two times higher than the poverty occurred in other Provinces in Indonesia. It is clearly incomparable with the outcomes gained by Papua from copper and gold-mine that rapidly flow to fulfill capitalists’ pouches and this is also an exclamation for Indonesian elite politics.

Watch the video of Papua is Us: One Day Storytelling, Singing, and Dancing:

Source: in Bahasa

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