, Karawang – Labor housing program proposed by Indonesian Muslim Workers Brotherhood (PPMI) of Branch Representatives Council (DPC) Karawang Regency apparently not only a trial program. Evidently, they plan to provide residences for laborers in multitudes amount. The amount itself is provided in a large scale, about 9.000 residences will be prepared by PPMI Karawang, specifically for laborers in the nearby area.

According to the Head of Residence Team of PPMI Karawang, Odin Liana – who implements the program – they cooperate with a housing developer, PT. Graha Artha Kencana. The houses will be established in Citra Swarna Grande Residence, located in East Karawang. It is built for members of PPMI that reside in the surrounding area.
“We are in cooperation with PT. Graha Artha Kencana as a housing developer, will provide approximately 9,000 housing units for the laborers. Yesterday, there was a credit covenant in Citra Swarna Residence which a premiere contract (Thursday, June 25, 2015) with the total construction will be up to 9,000 units,” explained Odin Liana, the labor who familiarly called Kang Odeg, directly to, Sunday (28/6/2015)
Previously in 2013, PPMI Karawang has established more than a hundred residences in Citra Swarna Pratama Residence, Central Karawang, it was their first housing program. In November 2013, when the houses started to be inhabited by the laborers, PPMI continued the program to Palumbon Asri Residence, West Karawang, with the total 500 housing units.
This year, the program constantly going with the construction focus area in Citra Swarna Grande Residence, East Karawang. As a first stage, there were 110 laborers have been signed a purchase agreement for proprietary ownership of the houses, on Thursday, June 25, 2015. PPMI Karawang plans to build 9,000 houses in the aforementioned region.
As formerly reported by, the credit application process is way easier with a less payable installment. A labor who have been a permanent worker only needs to submit an ID Card, Family Card, BPJS Manpower card and Employee Card. After a booking process, he will be available to fill an administration application.
In addition, they don’t have to pay for a down payment, as it has been guaranteed by Loan for Housing Down Payment (PUMP/ Pinjaman Uang Muka Perumahan) from BPJS Manpower. Thus, they only need to pay Rp 3,5 million for administrative payment from the total price Rp 110 million. Then they only need to pay the installment, starts from hundreds rupiahs to Rp. 1,1 million per month in a range of 10, 15 and 20 years.
Source: Bahasa Indonesia